At the top of the screen you can see:

Your name and candidate number.

\n A clock, which tells you how much time you have left. When you hover over\n the time you can see the seconds.\n

Click to view the help.

Click to hide the screen content temporarily.
\n If you want to change the volume of the Listening test, click on the\n volume slider.\n

At the bottom of the screen you can see the navigation bar

Click on a number to go to that question.

Click to go to the next question

Click to go to the previous question

\n Click if you want to look at this question again later. The question\n number in the navigation bar will turn into a circle.\n

\n The blue highlighting shows the question you are looking at.\n

\n The underlining shows that you have answered this question.\n

\n The circle shows that you want to look at this question again (marked for\n review).\n

\n The black highlighting shows that you have not answered the question.\n
To highlight something in the test:
Select the text you want to highlight using the mouse.
Right click over the text.


Click to highlight the text you have selected.

\n Click to highlight the text you have selected and to add notes about what\n you have highlighted.\n
\n To close the notes click on X in the top right. To view the notes\n right-click on the highlighted text (anything you write in Notes will be\n deleted at the end of the test).\n

\n You can locate those areas of highlighted text containing notes by\n hovering over each highlighted text. If a small orange box appears the\n highlighted text contains notes.\n

\n To clear your highlighting right click on the highlighted text.\n


\n Click to clear the highlighting. This will also clear any notes you have\n made.\n

Click to clear all highlighting including notes.
\n To choose a question either click on the question number at the bottom of\n the screen or click on the question.\n
Gap fill questions
\n To answer some questions, you need to write words or numbers in a gap. To\n answer these questions, click in the gap and write your answer. Some\n questions may ask you to write your answer in a table, flow-chart or\n diagram.\n

Drag and drop questions
To answer a question, click on the answer on the right

and move it into the gap on the left.

If you want to change your answer, move another answer into the gap.
If you want to leave the question unanswered, move the answer back.
\n Don't forget! You may need to scroll to see all the questions and answers.\n
Multiple choice questions
Click on the answer you think is right.
If you change your mind, click on a different answer.
\n If you want to leave the question unanswered, click on your answer again.\n

Multiple choice questions where there is more than one answer
\n Some questions may ask you to choose two or three answers. Make sure you\n read the instructions and questions carefully.\n

Click on the answers you think are right.
If you change your mind, click on a different answer.
\n If you want to leave the question unanswered, click on your answer again.\n
Matching questions using a table
\n To select a question, click on the question number in the table. The\n column will become shaded.\n

\n Select the correct option by clicking on a space in the table. A tick will\n appear.\n
If you want to change your answer, click on another space.
\n If you want to leave the question unanswered, click on the space again.\n
\n Sometimes you may choose an answer more than once. Make sure you read the\n instructions and questions carefully.\n